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Questions about counselling?

We understand that you may have questions about the process and experience of counselling

Fequently Asked Questions


Do you accept Mental Health Plans?

As a person needing counselling or mental health support you are free to see whoever you like – so in that respect if you contact us for counselling we can review the plan as it provides helpful information. 

As counsellors we have no reporting obligations to the referring GP as psychologists do – however if you wanted us to communicate with your GP we could do that with your written consent. 

As far as MHCP for receiving funding through Medicare Better Access Scheme, currently counsellors are not part of that scheme, so we cannot claim medicare rebates. 

Please see FAQ titled – “Can we claim Medicare”

Can I get a Medicare rebate?

No  – At this stage counsellors are not part of Medicare Better Access Scheme. 

BUT if you were to see a psychologist you still need to pay a gap as very few psychologists bulk bill Medicare. The current rebate in 2023 from Medicare for psychologists is between $89 and up to $131 for clincial psychologists however the Australian Psychological Societies recommended session fee is $280 which means you may be out of pocket for between $130 – $190 

Limited sessions: under the Better Access Scheme most people are limited to 10 sessions per calendar year for psychology (eating disorders are 40 sessions) -this means there is no consistence in the care and support you receive. 

Waiting lists: the average waiting lists in most parts of rural, regional and remote SA are between 8 weeks to 6 months. 

Health Record: once you go to the GP and get a Mental Health Plan it is on your health record and this can affect insurance, applications to defence force, police force, emergency services and even sometimes getting a passport and job applications if a medical is required. 

So for less than the Medicare gap you can see a counsellor (depending on their experience) quickly and discreetly. 

Is couples and relationship counselling covered under Medicare?

It is not. For something to be covered under Medicare it needs to be a diagnosed disorder. Relationship issues, crisis and breakdown are not a diagnosed disorder.

Most psychologists are not trained couples counsellors. 

Do you provide a concession rate or discount?

We don’t have a set concession rate. We are private business and do not receive any subsidies from the Government or any funding. 

If you are a current or returning client and are experiencing finanical distress please contact Penny Adams to discuss your needs. 

Any discounts offered are at the sole discretion of Seasons of Life Counselling and are decided on a case by case basis. 

How do your counsellors operate with Seasons of Life Counselling

All counsellors/practitioners that provide services through and as part of Seasons of Life Counselling team are independent sole practitioners who hold their own business ABNs and Insurance.

Your practitioner will hold your confidential client case notes and these will remain in their possession, whether they remain at Seasons of Life Counselling or cease their contract with us. Seasons of Life Counselling / Penny Adams is not liable for practitioner conduct or case notes.

This information is outlined in more detail in the client counselling agreement you recieve upon booking with us.

Are my sessions confidential?

Yes –  Counsellors are bound by a strict code of ethics and confidentiality is at the heart of what we do. We cannot release your information without your consent

There are some exceptions to confidentiality: 

1. Subpoenas 

2. Mandatory reporting

3. Risk of harm to self or others

Confidentiality and its exceptions are covered in the agreement you will receive when you book. 

Is my information kept private?

Absolutely – all organisations and businesses are required to comply with Australian Privacy Legislation

Please refer to our privacy policy

What if I cannot attend my session?

Payment is required upon booking. You are able to cancel / reschedule your session in accordance with our policy:

Sessions are required to be paid in full prior to the commencement of the appointment unless prior arrangment has been made with Seasons of Life Counselling.

Up to 48 hours prior to session appointments can be rescheduled or cancelled at no charge.

Between 48 hours and 24 hours prior to session a fee of 50% will be charged for cancellations and rescheduling. Cancellations/rescheduling less than 24 hours or NO shows to appointment will be charged 100% of the fee.

Extenuating circumstances can be discussed with us and decisisions are at the owners discretion.

Do you provide out of hours crisis counselling?

No we are not a crisis service and we don’t offer out of hours support – unless you have an appointment scheduled. 

If you are experiencing a serious mental health crisis that may be leading to thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Please contact the free 24-hour counselling service Lifeline on 131 114.

If you are concerned about someone’s safety or your own please contact the Police

Do you provide SMS or email counselling?

No we don’t provide that service. 

Did you know that each service page has it’s own FAQ’s as well? 

Still got questions? Please contact us for a chat



Booking counselling process

  • Step 1: Book your session online

    You are ready book and use the ‘book now’ button to select your counsellor, book and pay for your session

  • Step 1: Have questions?

    Want to chat before you book contact  Seasons of Life Counselling either through our website, phone or email.

  • Step 2: We can book your session for you

    Rather not book online? No problem we can book it for you

  • Step 3: Matching you to a counsellor

    We are building our practice by adding counsellors who can meet a wide range of needs. 

    You may request a counsellor OR we will select the one that best fits your needs. 

  • Step 4: Confirmation of booking

    Once you are booked in your will recieve a confirmation email with the day, time and Zoom link. 

  • Step 5: Invoice and payment

    Payment is required on booking and you will be sent an invoice which can be paid by debit card and credit card online or by bank transfer. 

  • Step 6: Forms and agreement

    Once payment is recieved you will be sent an intake form and counselling agreement. These are competed online so no need for printing and scanning. 

  • Step 7: Reminders

    You will receive two email reminders for your session. One 24 hours before and the other one hour before your session.

    These also contain the Zoom link so you don’t need to find it.

  • Step 8: Check your device is working

    Before the session check your phone, tablet or laptop has Zoom installed and the audio and microphone are working.

    There are instructions in the agreement.

  • Step 9: Get comfortable and private

    Get comfortable, ensuring the light is good and you are in a private space where you can’t be overheard or interrupted. 

    Headphones can help with privacy

  • Step 10: Meet your counsellor

    At your appointment time join the session, meet your counsellor and start getting the support you need. 

Book your session

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